Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Charlene Wade Childrens Fund

"I do not remember a time in my life when I did not feel loved and secure. I can not imagine a little child not knowing who to turn to or whose hands they will fall into." (Charlene Wade)

My mom, Charlene Wade, has always had a special place in her heart for children. She taught children's Bible classes at church and was in charge of the pre-school resource room for many years at Macon Rd. church of Christ. In retirement she contributed to the Germantown church of Christ undertaking the cleaning out and organizing of their Bible school resource room.
Long before the LAR Mana Children's Home began in Brazil, we worked with the children in the community and mom's contributions and interest were always encouraging. During all the time Randy and I have done mission work, Brazil, Cape Girardeau, MO and back to Brazil she has tirelessly collected Bible class materials, prepared flip books, and cut endless die cut shapes to be used in children's classes and programs.
For several years for Christmas giving, at mom and dad's request, our family donated to a children's project in Brazil. Most of these projects were done in the neighborhood around children's home and later as the LAR Mana began we did them there.
Through it all her goal is to reach out to the young and impressionable with the word of God and his love, to help lay a basis for the lives of these children by giving them the tools they will need to lead productive Christian lives. Click to see a little about the LAR Mana Childrens Home.

The LAR Mana Children's Home has been of special interest to mom. She is known to the kids there as their American Grandmother. She painted before she developed rheumatoid arthritis and that became difficult for her. Last year she sent her paintbrushes to the children and our monthly project was painting. We took some of mom's paintings for the children to see and then they used her brushes to make their own paintings.

Each month mom contributes to the project we take to the children. She loves to see pictures from their activities and gets to know the kids that way.

During the past year the administration of the LAR Mana has gone through drastic changes, and creative fund raising efforts have been implemented in order to keep it going. We were happy to be able to give mom a gift of the Charlene Wade Children's Fund for Christmas last year in order to facilitate contributions to the LAR Mana Children's Home. 

UPDATE: This fund was closed out in April 2021 and all funds were destined to the Educational Program of the LAR Maná. 

Outside mom's front door, in the middle of pictures of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, is a framed verse that reads:

1 comment:

  1. Parabéns irmã pela iniciativa. Conheço a história do Lar Maná, só não o conheço pessoalmente. Com certeza é um grande exemplo de obra de caridade. Abraço
